Palo Santo essential oil



Puhas palo santo (Bursera graveolens) essential oil

Used plant parts


Extraction method

Steam distillation

Country of origin



Puidune, magus, sügav, kergelt puuviljane


5 ml

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Palo Santo

Origin and background

Palo Santo means "sacred tree" ("holy wood") when translated from Spanish. The use of this tree comes from the indigenous culture of Central and South America, as does the use of white sage. For centuries, Palo Santo has been used to cleanse the aura and get rid of negative influences.

Over time, Palo Santo has also become very popular in Europe, where it is mainly used for energetic cleansing of your house, belongings and crystals, and yourself, or sometimes just because of its delicately sweet vanilla scent and pleasant warm woody aroma.

Compared to sage, which is also used to cleanse homes and has a very intense aroma, Palo Santo gives a very soft and mild scent. Did you know that Palo Santo is often used in Finnish saunas and in various home fragrances and massage oils due to its earthy and natural aroma?

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) is a wild tree in Central and South America. It is found from the Yucatan Peninsula to Peru and Venezuela.

The tree belongs to the same plant family - myrtle trees or Burseraceae - as frankincense and myrrh. It has been widely used in shamanic cleansing rituals and healing ceremonies since ancient times, and in folk medicine as a sweat inducing medicine for abdominal pain and as a salve for rheumatism.

Palo Santo is an extremely rare tree, so the living trees are not cut down anymore. In the meantime, the tree was even under protection, as it was felled en masse by forests for sale, leading to the extinction of this tree species. However, efforts are now being made to preserve this rare species of tree, and only the naturally fallen branches of the tree are harvested for use.

To obtain the essential oil, it is extracted from the wood of Palo Santo or the fruit of the tree. Essential oil is also used to make Palo Santo incense . The oil can be used for aromatherapy by adding it to an oil burner or aroma diffuser, or it can be used as a healing salve by applying it topically to the skin, diluting it with a carrier oil or adding it to a neutral skin care product.


Aromatic properties

Palo Santo eeterlik õli mõjub emotsionaalselt ülendavalt ja tasakaalustavalt. Seda kasutatakse sageli rituaalide jaoks, samuti on see väärtuslik vahend mediteerimiseks, loovuse suurendamiseks ja keskendumisvõime suurendamiseks.

See õli loob rahuliku ja maandatud tunde, soodustab emotsionaalset stabiilsust ning võib aidata ühenduse saamisel vaimse maailmaga.

Energeetiliselt toetab ja tasakaalustab juurtšakrat ning kolmanda silma tšakrat.

Healing properties

Palo Santo eeterlikul õlil arvatakse olevat kompleksne terapeutiline toime, näiteks ärevuse ja põletikuvastane ning isegi vähivastane toime.

See on suurepärane eeterlik õli, mida kasutada sissehingamisel hingamisteede toetamiseks, eriti kerge köha, ninakinnisuse või astma korral.

Lisaks soovitatakse seda õli kasutada baasõliga lahjendatult nahahoolduseks tema toitvate omaduste tõttu ning samuti soovimatute lihasspasmide leevendamiseks.

Palo Santo eeterlik õli sisaldab järgmisi ühendeid:

  • limoneen: Bursera graveolensi eeterlikus õlis leiduv tsükliline terpeen, millel on väidetavalt põletikuvastased ja antioksüdantsed omadused.
  • α-pineen ja β-pineen: need on monoterpeenid, millel arvatakse olevat antiseptilised ja põletikuvastased omadused.
  • karvakrool: Bursera graveolensi eeterlikus õlis leiduv fenoolne ühend, millel on teadaolevalt antibakteriaalsed, antiseptilised ja seenevastased omadused.
  • pulegoon: Bursera graveolensi eeterlikus õlis leiduv monoterpeenketoon, millel on väidetavalt valuvaigistav ja põletikuvastane toime.
  • mentool: Bursera graveolensi eeterlikus õlis sisalduv orgaaniline ühend, millel on leitud olevat nahka jahutav ja rahustav toime.

Recommended uses


  • It is recommended to use essential oils and their blend in a diluted form. Especially for sensitive and gentle skin. This means adding a small amount of water or carrier oil before applying it to the skin. The blend can be placed, for example, in a roll-on bottle that is convenient to carry along and can be used at any convenient time.
  • Can also be added to a neutral unscented cream, lotion, or liquid soap to achieve radiant and healthy skin.
  • Can be used in an aroma diffuser both at home or in the office to create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere that relaxes the senses and creates a pleasant aroma around you.
  • It can also be added to an oil burner. Don't forget to add water to the oil burner and then drip in the essential oil! Pure essential oil is too strong and has a faint odor.
  • Can be added to hot bath water and enjoy an aromatic mini-vacation in the middle of everyday life or at the end of a busy week.
  • Combine it with other compatible oils (see recommendations below) in a diffuser or bath water.
  • Can be diluted in the spray bottle with water and spray it at home, in the office, or just to refresh your bed linen.

Compatibility with other essential oils

Viirukipuu, mürr, sandlipuu, seedripuu, muskaatsalvei, vetiver, patšuli, magus apelsin, küpress, mänd, bergamott, teepuu, lavendel.


You can read more about aromatherapy and essential oils from here.



  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • For external use only.
  • Avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes.
  • In case of pregnancy, breast-feeding, taking medication or any other medical condition, consult your doctor before use.
  • The information on essential oils on Hingelaegas website comes from public sources. The information given does not constitute health advice and references to the properties and effects of the oils are based on aromatherapy and folk medicine. Therefore, Hingelaegas OÜ cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The use of essential oils is the responsibility of each person individually.


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