Should you listen to the voice of your mind or follow the call of your heart?
It is strange how we begin to doubt ourselves at important moments in our lives and no longer dare to trust our intuition, which seems to lead us on the right path. Just when you want to trust your gut feeling, somewhere inthe back of your neck, this annoying rational sound begins to thrum, overshadowed by the dark veil of fear and anxiety that maybe it's not your inner feeling. Maybe it's just wishful thinking. Maybe we shouldn't be like that or think like that or do it in any other way. The fear of making wrong choices overshadows our intuitive thinking, and the decision making is taken over by a realistic (rather pessimistic) voice of reason, which tries to avoid all risks and madness from the very beginning and keep us in a soft safe shell, in other words, in our comfort zone.
In the winds of doubt, we try to find confirmation for our thoughts from the outside. Maybe someone else can tell you how it would be right. But what if the opinions of others don't coincide with our intuitive choices? When giving advice, others usually try to use rational thinking. They can't see inside us. They don't know what our Soul really desires. Whether it's a decision to stay in a relationship or not, to change professions and try something else than the one you have learned, to take on a challenge to work or study abroad, or to stay in an environment you are already familiar with at homeland, or something totally different from what was mentioned. Obviously, we can't live our lives according to the wishes and advice of others, but we should make our own decisions.
As human beings, we are much more than just the body. Our nature and our essence is made of the magical trio - body, mind & soul . They are all our guides on this journey. The three leading "I's".
The body leads us with our instincts.
The mind with our intellect.
The sould with our intuition.
And with the help of these three leaders we should be able to find the right path for ourselves.
The body has guided us since birth. Some instincts are given to us with breast milk, while others develop during growing up. Instincts ensure that we breathe, eat, drink, survive, and continue to have offsprings. But instincts are our most primitive inner leader.
Besides animal instincts, we are also given intellectuality. A powerful inner leader who has helped our society reach the level it has today. It has brought us both an industrial revolution and an IT revolution. But intellectuality is more rational and practical, based on science and listening to the mind rather than the heart. Unfortunately, over time, we have allowed the mind to become our supreme leader. In today's society, a realistic approach and scientific perspectives are recognized. Everything must be proven and unambiguous. In doing so, however, we have lost touch with our most powerful inner leader - intuition.
According to ancient wisdom, our true mind is not the brain, which creates its connections only on the basis of experience, but the intuition that is the bridge to our Higher Self. Intuition is the strongest and most powerful of the three leading "I's". Have you ever thought about the literal meaning of the word "intuition"? In English the word intuition hides its meaning inside the word in-tuiton. In indicates inward or from the inside and tuiton means teaching or instructions. Intuition shows the way on the basis of our own inner knowledge, not on the basis of teachings from others. It is woven into our souls and knows where and how we need to move forward in this life. It also knows how sometimes in life it is necessary to take a turn and take steps in a completely new direction. It is a matter of whether we notice and hear it and whether we dare to listen to it at all. It is unfortunate that we often choose to listen to the rational voice of our mind rather than our "sixth sense." I have previously also put my very first thought or hunch to somewhere in my back pocket and tried to approach situations rationally. And how often have I later regretted that and taken that thought out from my pocket again and looked at it with regret as to why didn't I listen to it right away.
Often we let the surrounding noise and other people's opinions influence our own thinking. Not consciously, but subconsciously, so we may not even notice it ourselves. But how often do you take the time to listen to what your intuition really wants to tell you? Where does it really want to lead you?
In order to learn to listen to one's intuition, one must learn to quiet the external noise. We must also learn to turn off our fear, because strong emotions don't allow us to sense our intuition. Above all, however, you must listen to your body, because intuition is like a dancing soul - it signals us through the body when it wants to tell us something. Sometimes it comes up from your stomach as a warm trail. Sometimes it gives us goosebumps or sends shivering chills down your spine. Sometimes it just makes the heart beat faster or takes a breath out of you. Different for everyone. Learn to notice when it talks to you. And listen to it!
As one ancient Indian proverb says: "Listen to the wind, he tells. Listen to the silence, he speaks. Listen to your heart, he knows. ”
Source: Kersti reflecting thoughts