Signs that your chakras are out of balance
The word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle. The chakra is a fine material center of life energy, also described as an energy vortex.
It is believed that the teaching of the chakras originated 4,000 years ago in India. The first written sources date from around 800 BC. In addition to India, teachings about these subtle energy centers have also been found in Egypt, Sufism, and, in part, Judaism. However, these systems differ from each other, for example, in the location, functions or number of energy centers. [1]
The teachings of India and China are somewhat similar. According to both teachings, the body has many energy points, known as chakras, both large and small, and they are connected by energy channels through which life energy flows.
Today, energy therapy focuses on the seven traditional chakras along the spine, from the groin to the scalp. Each major chakra has its own specific function, and each chakra also affects other physical, mental, and spiritual functions. When the movement of energy is disrupted or even blocked in the chakras, ailments and diseases begin to occur. When the energy flow is out of balance or even blocked in the chakras, ailments and diseases begin to occur..
We'll see below what are the seven main chakras, what are the functions (themes) of each chakra and which areas of the body or organs it is responsible for, and what psychological or physical problems can occur when the chakra is out of balance.

the base of spine, in the area between the carcase and the anus
vitality, will to live, life, survival, stability, steadiness, trust (trust in life and self-confidence), grounding, living in harmony with nature, contact with earth and nature
Body parts/organs:
pelvic floor, colon, bones, teeth, blood, legs, feet
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
low self-esteem, insecurity, fear, anxiety, depression, clinginess in relationships (co-dependence) and also to places / things, negative and self-destructive patterns of thought and behavior, lying, may also manifest as greedy, selfish and aggressive behavior, may lead to excessive alcohol consumption or rampant sexual behavior, constant unfounded fear of financial problems
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
constipation and other intestinal problems, tiredness and exhaustion, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, low or high blood pressure, weak immune system, sciatic nerve pain, lumbar pain, bladder, kidney, and prostate problems, anemia, exercise or sports are averse, dissatisfied with your body, reluctant to be in the fresh air or outdoors, cold hands and feet

between the navel and the genitals in the sacral area, three fingers below the navel
creativity, imagination, self-confidence, sexuality, zest for life, commitment, enthusiasm, vitality, good sense of body, passion, erotica, feminine energy
Body parts/organs:
body fluids, genital and lower body organs, kidneys, urinary tract, gonads, uterus, pelvic and sacral area
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
insecurity, emotional instability, problems with self-esteem, shame or guilt, sexual insecurity or excessive sexuality, blocked creativity, excessive demands on oneself, excessive decency, unreasonable or morbid jealousy
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
impaired kidney and bladder function, impaired ability to release toxins from the body, as waste products are also excreted through the skin, eczema or skin irritation, thrombosis and lymphadenopathy in the chakra area, infertility, low libido, painful menstruation, cyclic disorders, PMS, diseases of the uterus or ovaries, cysts in the uterus and ovaries, potency problems or even impotence in men, prostate problems

above the navel, at the level of the stomach, at the line of the navel and chest
willpower, perseverance, self-development, individuality, identity, stability, spontaneity, breakthrough ability, inner strength
Body parts/organs:
autonomic nervous system, stomach, spleen, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, abdomen
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
lack of willpower, low self-esteem, pessimism, irresponsibility, feelings of helplessness and self-pity, inability to orientate in life (life seems difficult, meaningless, full of obstacles), in case of excessive energy in the solar plexus excessive irritability (due to suppressed feelings of inferiority and dissatisfaction), lack of self-control, difficulty letting go and relaxing
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
eating disorders, anorexia, overweight (especially in the abdomen), fatigue, overeating, indigestion, gastric, liver and gallbladder diseases, intestinal and gastric ulcers, salivary dysfunction, duodenitis, low blood sugar and diabetes, gallstones

in the middle of the chest at heart level
love, openness, understanding, compassion, security, tolerance, kindness, healing, universal love, commitment, dignity
Body parts/organs:
heart, skin, blood and circulation, upper back, arms, shoulders, hands, bronchi and lower lungs
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
lack of empathy and compassion, carelessness, intolerance, inability to forgive oneself and others, feeling lonely, exaggerated ownership, codependence, self-sacrificing behavior, unhealthy or harmful relationships, difficulty finding contact with other people
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, constant chest tightness, arrhythmias, angina, atherosclerosis or even heart attack, high blood pressure, circulatory problems, common colds, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tension and pain in the shoulders, rhemuatic pain in hand and finger joints, allergies, skin diseases

in the neck of the spine at the level of the throat (larynx)
light blue
communication, self-expression, speech, truth, clarity, spiritual energy, inspiration, ability to learn and concentrate, strong intellect
Body parts/organs:
neck, back of the neck, throat, mouth, jaw, thyroid, esophagus, respiratory tract, voice, shoulders, ears
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
communication difficulties, inability to listen, difficulty in expressing oneself and inability to to make oneself be heard, difficulties in expressing feelings, difficulty in expressing one's opinion, conspicuous shyness and insecurity in communication, excessive self-attraction, as well as intolerance, narrow-mindedness, arrogant behavior, ambition and lust for power, rebellion
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
colds, sore throat, frequent voice loss, problems in the neck area, mouth or teeth, mouth ulcers, tonsillitis, sore throat, neck tension and pain, thyroid problems, speech problems (stuttering, lisping, etc.), anorexia (actually involving multiple chakras) but especially strong connection with the throat chakra)

between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead, above the base of the nose
indigo blue, dark blue
wisdom, intuition, insight, perception, self-awareness, fantasy, spiritual connection, trust in life
Body parts/organs:
central nervous system, cerebellum, cheekbones, nose, ears, eyes, face
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
distraction, mental confusion, depression, delusions, loss of the sense of reality, sense of meaninglessness, lack of orientation in life, feeling of overload and helplessness, indecision, in the opposite excessive self-esteem, lust of power, selfishness, material values and aspirations and physical needs in the foreground
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
headaches, migraine, imbalances, facial muscle diseases, ear infections, sinusitis, visual disturbances and eye diseases (conjunctivitis, barley, glaucoma, myopia and farsightedness, etc.), nervous system and brain diseases, hormonal disorders

on the top and in the middle of the head
purple, white, golden
spirituality, enlightenment, oneness with the Universe, connection with divinity and humanity, self-realization, faith, all-encompassing knowledge, transformation
Body parts/organs:
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
lack of interest in the surroundings and other people, extremely withdrawn, depressed, mentally confused, lack of inner peace, inaccessible and lost sense of reality, as opposed to being guided only by material aspirations, greedy, narrow-minded, difficult to make decisions, inner feeling of emptiness, too serious
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
sleep disorders, forgetfulness, memory gaps, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, chronic or systemic diseases, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, senility, dementia, Alzheimer's disease
What can you benefit from balanced and open chakras?
If you take care of yourself and allow the energy to flow freely, it will also keep away diseases and it will also improve your mental, spiritual and physical well-being.
Balanced chakras have the following positive effects:
- attitude towards life becomes more positive, self-awareness and joy of life increase
- energy levels increase
- sleep improves and you rest better
- aging processes slow down and vitality increases
- body posture improves and thus helps to prevent or relieve pain
- strengthens the immune system
- metabolism improves and the body releases toxins more easily
- improves heart rate and blood circulation
- you become calmer and are better able to cope with stress and it helps fight depression
How to harmonize and balance the chakras?
The chakra imbalance can be expressed in two ways - there is not enough energy (weakened or blocked) or too much energy (overactivated). In the first case, the energy center is not activated or there is a lack of energy, and the chakra is unable to perform its functions properly. In the second case, the energy center is overactivated and overstimulated and the amount of energy is too large, still destabilizing the energy flow. In both cases, compensation occurs at the expense of other chakras, creating even more disharmony. It is important to have balance - in body, mind, and soul.
After reading this post, you may feel that more than one of your chakras is out of balance or blocked. It is difficult to balance everything at once, starting step by step, one chakra at a time, from the first or root chakra and moving upwards on to the seventh or crown chakra.
The movement of energy can already be harmonized through conscious thinking and experience of nature. In addition, various energetic therapies can help - acupuncture, acupressure, cupping therapy, Reiki, etc., therapeutic baths, healing teas, aromatherapy, meditation, physiotherapy, massages, and much more.
It is also possible to do healing exercises yourself. Here I also point out the good old grain of wisdom that everything you think, you become, and you will draw it to your life. So it is important to monitor and work with your thoughts and attitudes to keep yourself more balanced through directing your thoughts. More detailed advice on this will be given in the articles about each chakra.
[1] Wu, L.; Lauer, N. (2018). Energiaravi käsiraamat. Tallinn: Varrak.