Discovering your true nature through your Inner Child
New Moon in Leo, 08.08.2021 - the wave of anxiety and restlessness continues
Division between the people and the elite? - Full Moon in Aquarius, 24.07.2021
Sensitive and dreamy New Moon in Cancer, 10.07.2021
Should you listen to the voice of your mind or follow the call of your heart?
Täiskuu Kaljukitses, 24.06.2021 – luba vanal minna ja võta vastu uus
Longing for change - the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini, 10.06.2021
How to balance and activate the solar plexus?
What is true love?
Words have the power to change lives
Tõde sunnib meid astuma välja oma mugavustsoonist
Positiivne mõtlemine tõstab energiataset ja leevendab stressi