Healing power of Reiki - for body, mind and soul
What is Reiki?
Reiki is ancient energetic healing method, which is based on oriental philosophy and on the integrity of body, mind and soul. Reiki healing was rediscovered in the late 19th century by Mikao Usui from Japan, who later began teaching it to others.
The meaning of Reiki comes from Japanese, consisting of the word rei, which means the soul, the source, the spirit of the Universe, and expresses spirituality and supernatural power, and from the word qi (ki), which means life force energy, energy from the highest source in the Universe.
Qi is the basis of all life, it is inherent in all living things. Qi moves in the body along invisible energy channels. In the body of a healthy person qi floes freely and evenly, it gives body and mind life energy, takes care of health and vitality. [1]
Qihas several main functions in the body: [1]
- warms the body and regulates body temperature
- is the source of all physical and mental movements, is responsible for all psychological manifestations
- is responsible for growth, development, and metabolism
- takes care of regular digestion and optimal absorption of energy from food and oxygen
- affects the removal of unnecessary residues and the uptake of nutrients
- protects against diseases and harmful externalities
- keeps organs in the right place, as well as body fluids and blood in blood vessels and organs
When a sensitive system goes out of balance, the flow of energy slows down. If energy is stopped, it can have serious consequences for health and well-being. Pain and discomfort appear first, followed by physical and mental illness. [1]
Reiki practitioners can channel this universal life energy to others, helping to heal the person as a whole, physically, mentally and emotionally. The effect of Reiki is universal, meaning that the energy travels in the body of the receiver to where it is needed most - either by dissolving the blockages or by balancing and strengthening the energy centers. A Reiki practitioner affects the energy centers (chakras) and channels of the body, mostly using hand movements and a gentle touch, although it can be transmitted without direct contact.
Who can benefit form Reiki therapy?
Reiki is suitable for everyone: adults, children, animals, plants, etc.
How does Reiki work?
Energy therapy involves the person as a whole - with the body, mind and soul. The basis of good health and well-being is the free movement of life energy, which holds everything together and works in the same way in the human body as in the surrounding environment and space.
Energetic healing and therapy is based on the fact that all mental and physical activities and bodily functions and organ systems are subordinated to the ultimate material energy. When the energy flow is disrupted in the body, you also feel worse and develop diseases. Balance is the foundation of good health. Only then can energy move freely.
The pace of modern life is extremely fast and therefore daily life dissipates and weakens energy. It is caused by the food we eat, daily stress, air pollution, negative thought and behavioral patterns, and much more. To cope with this, we tend to use our energy resources without taking the time to rest and "charge" ourselves. Step by step, however, it begins to cause imbalances and can lead to energy blockages.
The purpose of Reiki is to release the existing energy so that it can flow freely and help the body to heal itself. Reiki charges the body with new pure energy and helps balance all energy currents. It restores harmony and helps the body regain its ability to heal naturally. In addition, it has a calming and clarifying effect on the mind and spirit, helping to dissolve negative thoughts. Undoubtedly, Reiki helps cleanse our mental and emotional body. Modern conventional medicine usually deals only with our physical body, but Reiki helps the body as a whole, healing the physical, emotional, and mental body.
Reiki does not replace conventional medicine or oppose the means and possibilities of scientific medicine, but complements and supports it. In accordance with Reiki ethics and basic healing principles, a Reiki practitioner should not make a diagnosis or provide other medical advice unless he or she has appropriate professional training. Reiki can be used in addition to conventional medicine as a supportive, harmonizing, and vitality-enhancing therapy.
What are the effects of Reiki therapy?
Reiki energy is intelligent and adapts to the needs of the receiver. It goes where it is needed.
The following effects may occur during regular Reiki sessions:
- supports natural self-healing and physical recovery from illness or injury
- has an analgesic effect and helps reduce discomfort in the body, is also effective for chronic pain
- helps relax deeply and promotes better sleep
- reduces anxiety and stress levels, relieves fears, relieves depression
- strengthens the immune system
- releases toxins from the body and improves digestion
- improves blood circulation and increases oxygen levels in the body
- removes energy blockages and releases repressed emotions
- raises energy level and balances the whole body
- aitab saada paremat kontakti iseendaga, suurendab eneseteadlikkust ja elurõõmu ning parandab intuitsiooni
- helps get rid of bad habits / addictions and replace them with healthier choices
- improves concentration and increases mental clarity
- and much more, depending on what energy blockages may be in the energy centers
Look HERE, millised energeetilised blokeeringud võivad Sinu energiakeskustes ehk tšakrates olla.
If you would like to know more about the Reiki session, look HERE.
[1] Wu, Li; Lauer, Natali (2018). Energiaravi käsiraamat. Tallinn: Varrak.