Earrings, chrysocolla, sterling silver (925)


Chrysocolla strengthens self-awareness and inner balance, it instills confidence and sensitivity. Increases personal power and inspires creativity. Removes negativity from its surroundings and from its wearer. Grants motivation for those who lack it. Helps reduce mental stress and in complicated situations helps stay coolheaded. Encourages telling the truth and staying unbiased.

Silver is a great healer, especially when it is in direct contact with the body. Scientists have found that silver kills harmful microorganisms living in water and airwhile maintaining benefic ones.

  • Handcrafted by Hingelaegas
  • Material: sterling silver (925), chrysocolla (14 mm)
  • Length of earring: up to 4 cm
  • Weight (pair): 11.2 g
  • Jewelry is delivered in a cream-colored velvet gift bag

The products may differ slightly from the one shown in the picture, because jewelry has been made fo natural semi-precious stones, and all stones are unique.

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Main properties: relaxation, aura cleansing, soothing, meditation, inner balance, joy, patience, removal of negative energy, encourages telling the truth

Chakras: throat and heart chakra, third eye chakra, solar plexus

Zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus

Numerology: number 5

Chrysocolla is a calm and supportive stone that helps meditate and communicate. This powerful crystal removes negative energy from the house and also keeps it away from the carrier.

This colorful crystal creates great inner strength for its wearer and helps adapt to change, reducing worry.

Chrysocolla soothes, cleanses and energizes all chakras. It pulls negative emotions, such as guilt, out of the solar plexus and repeals destructive emotional programming. For the heart chakra, it cures heartache and increases the ability to love. For the throat chakra, it improves communication, but helps understand when it would be better to remain silent. For the third eye, this stone opens up psychic imagination.

Health and Healing

Psychologically, chrysocolla strengthens self-awareness and internal balance, instills confidence and sensitivity. Increases personal power and inspires creativity. Helps overcome phobias, pulls out negativity and motivates those who lack it.

Mentally, this stone helps reduce mental tension and helps maintain a cold nerve in difficult situations. Promotes telling the truth and staying unbiased in all situations.

Emotionally, chrysocolla relieves guilt and brings joy.

Physically, it treats arthritis, bone diseases, gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, blood diseases and lung problems. Releases toxins from the liver, kidneys and intestines. Helps bring new oxygen to the blood and lung cells, increasing lung and respiratory capacity. Restores pancreas, regulates insulin levels and improves blood. Chrysocholla strengthens muscles and relieves muscle cramps. Due to its cooling effect, it heals inflammation, especially in the throat and tonsils. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and relieves burns. This stone strengthens the thyroid gland and is useful for metabolism. An excellent stone for women suffering from PMS and menstrual cramps.

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