Chakra stones


In the chakra stone set, each stone corresponds to a specific chakra and is marked with the corresponding chakra symbol. With the help of stones, you can retune and balance your chakras by meditating with them or carrying them with you.

The set includes:

amethyst → crown chakra

blue aventurine (grey shade) → third eye

blue sodalite → throat chakra

green aventurine → heart chakra

yellow aventurine → solar plexus

red aventurine → sacral chakra

red jaspis → root chakra


Dimensions: 12 x 16 cm (bag), stone diameter approx. 3.5 cm

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Mis on tšakra?

The word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle. The chakra is a fine material center of life energy, also described as an energy vortex.

It is believed that the teaching of the chakras originated 4,000 years ago in India. The first written sources date from around 800 BC. In addition to India, teachings about these subtle energy centers have also been found in Egypt, Sufism, and, in part, Judaism. However, these systems differ from each other, for example, in the location, functions or number of energy centers. [1]

The teachings of India and China are somewhat similar. According to both teachings, the body has many energy points, known as chakras, both large and small, and they are connected by energy channels through which life energy flows.

Today, energy therapy focuses on the seven traditional chakras along the spine, from the groin to the scalp. Each major chakra has its own specific function, and each chakra also affects other physical, mental, and spiritual functions. When the movement of energy is disrupted or even blocked in the chakras, ailments and diseases begin to occur.

Meil on seitse põhitšakrat: esimene tšakra ehk juurtšakra teine tšakra ehk sakraaltšakra kolmas tšakra ehk päikesepõimik neljas tšakra ehk südametšakra viies tšakra ehk kurgutšakra kuues tšakra ehk kolmas silm seitsmes tšakra ehk kroontšakra

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Kuidas saad kasutada tšakrakive?

Tšakrakivide komplektis vastab iga kivi konkreetsele tšakrale ning on tähistatud vastava tšakra sümboliga. Kivide abil saad enda tšakraid taashäälestada ja tasakaalustada, kasutades neid järgmiselt:

– mediteeri nende kividega, kas neid käes hoides või asetades tšakrakivi oma kehale vastava tšakra peale

– kasuta neid reikiseansi ajal kehale asetades

– kanna kivi endaga kaasas (näiteks kotis või taskus)

– maga nii, et kivi on asetatud Sinu padja alla või voodi kõrvale


[1] Wu, L.; Lauer, N. (2018). Energiaravi käsiraamat. Tallinn: Varrak.


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