Incense tray - mango wood, brass symbols


These mango wood incense trays are decorated with brass symbols, where each symbol has its own meaning. Suitable for holding both short and long incense.


  • Yin-yang

Yin and yang symbol has many meanings, but in most cases they always represent two opposing properties, principles or actions. Both exist as if separate, but at the same time intertwined. This means that one cannot exist without the other, and there is something opposite to the nature of both. It seems as yinis often supported by yangand vice versa. For example, in order to understand good, one must also know evil. To see light, you must also see darkness. To feel joy, you must also feel sorrow. Without the opposition, we would not be able to judge one or the other. yin, the feminine and receptive energy, and the bright side represents yang, the masculine and giving energy.

  • Elephant

Feng shui claims that elephants bring happiness and abundance. An elephant with a raised lure brings happiness and prevents happiness from going away.

Feng shui suggests that the figure of an elephant or its image should be placed in the area of ​​home where more abundance, happiness and success is desired. For example, if you want more wisdom and knowledge, and you want success in the intellectual field, it should be placed near the front door and to the left. By keeping this figure close to the door, it also protects the home from external evil and negativity. If you want money and abundance, you should keep it in the area farthest from the door and on left side. While waiting for luck in the field of relationships, it should be kept farthest from the door, but on the right side.

  • Star / pentagram
The pentagram and the star both symbolize the five elements: air, water, earth, fire, and spirit. Both have been used since ancient times for strong defense against evil, and they also symbolize divine or higher leadership. The pentagram protects its wearer and also its home.

The circle around the pentagram restrains and protects, it symbolizes eternity and infinity, and the cycles of life and nature.

  • Sun

The sun has always been a symbol of life and nature.

In astrology, the Sun is considered a symbol of the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal strength, pride and authority. The Sun is masculine, active, and conductive. It also celebrates creativity, spontaneity, health, and vitality.

  • Om (in Sanskrit ॐ)

Om is a sacred syllable in Indian teachings - a mantra known as the sound of the Universe. It marks the beginning and the end of everything.

Om is the all-encompassing, supreme reality of nature and unites everything in the Universe. It is believed that the vibration produced by the om-sound gives energy to all the chakras, especially the third eye and the crown chakra, which help us to connect with our Higher Self.

Om is a symbol of peace, quiet, and unity, and by keeping it close to you, it helps remind you to slow down and breathe. You don't always have to rush everywhere.


Made in India.


length 25 cm, width 3.5 cm, thickness 0.5 cm

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Use instructions

Ignite the tip covered with incense, and if the incense tip glows, carefully blow out the flame.

Place the incense stick or the incense cone in a suitable place on the incense burner. You can also use the incense cone holder as a small candle holder.



  • Burn only in an open or well-ventilated area.
  • Avoid direct inhalation of incense smoke.
  • Use only to scent the room. Do not put incense in your mouth.
  • The incense must not be left unattended. Make sure that the smoking incense is not close to flammable materials and check that the ash can fall on a suitable (non-flammable) base.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.
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