Bracelet "Love", rose quartz & rhodonite, sterling silver (925)


Rose quartz aids in attracting love. By teaching us how to love and respect ourselves, it helps attract it even more through the inner love we exude. In established relationships, this crystal helps restore trust and harmony, and encourages unconditional love.

Rhodonite balances emotions - nourishes love and builds trust. Activates the heart chakra. Helps increase self-love and acceptance, and forgiveness for oneself. Only by truly loving ourselves can we love others. Rhodonite also helps heal past wounds by helping to bring forgiveness and release. Only by forgiving can we move forward in life.

Silver is a great healer, especially when it is in direct contact with the body. Scientists have found that silver kills harmful microorganisms living in water and air while maintaining benefic ones.

  • Handcrafted by Hingelaegas
  • Material: sterling silver (925), rose quartz (6-8 mm), rhodonite (6 mm)
  • Length of bracelet: ~18 cm, including extension ~21 cm
  • The diameter of the bracelet can be extended by a chain extension. The diameter varies from 50 to 75 mm.
  • Weight: 11.7 g
  • Jewelry is delivered in a cream-colored velvet gift bag
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Rose quartz

Main properties: creativity, love, relationships, joy, empathy, physical healing, anxiety reduction, relaxation, calming-down, patience

Chakras: heart chakra

Zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra, Scorpio

Numerology: number 7

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and endless peace. It is the most renowned (and also the most important!) stone of the heart chakra, because it teaches the true nature of love. It cleanses and opens the heart to all levels, and brings a deep internal healing and self-love.

Rose quartz aids in attracting love. By teaching us how to love and respect ourselves, it helps attract it even more through the inner love we exude. But at the same time, it’s wise to be cautious in attracting love as rose quartz has really effective magnetism that often needs the help of amethyst to bring the equilibrium. In established relationships, this crystal helps restore trust and harmony, and encourages unconditional love.

Rose quartz removes negative energy and replaces it with the vibrations of love. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity, and helps come to terms with necessary changes. It promotes receptivity to all kinds of beauty.

Health and Healing

Emotionally, rose quartz is the most refined healer. By releasing heartache and emotions that have not been expressed, and transfiguring useless emotional states, it relieves inner pain and helps overcome loss. If you’ve never been in love, rose quartz opens up your heart so that you’d become receptive to romance. But if you’ve been in love and left broken-hearted, it brings solace and helps relieve the grief. Above all, rose quartz teaches you to love yourself. You can’t receive nor give love if you don’t know how to give it to yourself first. This stone helps in forgiving and coming to terms with yourself, and strengthens self-esteem and confidence.

Physically, rose quartz strengthens the heart and blood circulation, and gets rid of impure bodily fluids. When placed on thymus, this stone aids in problems with chest and lungs. Heals kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates dizziness. Allegedly, it also enhances fertility. Heals burns and blisters, and corrects complexion. It is also helpful to people with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases as well as senility.


Main properties: forgiveness, love, emotional healing, empathy, trust, strength, vitality, willpower, commitment

Chakras: heart chakra

Zodiac signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Aries

Numerology: number 9

Rhodonite balances emotions - nourishes love and creates a sense of collective togetherness. This crystal stimulates, cleanses and activates the heart and heart chakra. Grounds energy, balances female (yin) and male energies (yang) and helps achieve the carriers's highest potential.

This crystal acts as an excellent first aid stone - it heals emotional shock and relieves panic by lending its supporting energy to the Soul. Extremely helpful in cases of emotional self-destruction, addiction and harassment. Rhodonite helps heal wounds of the past. The stone brings out the old hurtful energies, helping to bring forgiveness and release. Only by forgiving can we move forward in life.

Sometimes we blame our partner for our mistakes - we project them what bothers us in ourselves, and the partner simply reflects it back to us. In this case, rhodonite helps increase self-love and acceptance, and self-forgiveness. Only by truly loving ourselves can we love others.

Rhodonite helps balance the desire for getting even and revenge. This is a very powerful negative energy, and rhodonite helps maintain peace, even in difficult situations, and does not allow revenge to take a path towards self-destruction. Rhodonite helps release fears which are expressed through toxic emotions, such as anger, jealousy, dissatisfaction, or resentment.

Rhodonite helps build trust and relieves confusion.

Health and Healing

Mentally, it activates the pineal gland and strengthens intuition. Aligns the chakras and removes blockages to release and promote energy flow in the chakras.

Emotionally, helps heal past wounds and frustrations. Brings reconciliation and forgiveness. An excellent stone for emotional healing.

Physically, rhodonite is an excellent wound healer, it also relieves insect bites. Can smooth scars. Has a good effect on bone growth and auditory organs, by fine-tuning audible vibrations, and it also stimulates fertility. Rhodonite helps treat and relieve the symptoms of emphysema, rheumatism, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, stomach ulcers and multiple sclerosis. Rhodonite elixir can be used as a restorative medicine after shock or trauma.


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