What is true love?
True love is not passion and lust where sparks fly around. This kind of physical chemistry is just falling in love. Love begins when that burst of hormones is over. When the body has calmed down. Only then is it possible to look at another person in his or her true nature. Love itself is flowing, radiating from within, joyful and deep. As a Chinese proverb says that love itself is calm, the storm is caused by people. Or rather, it is caused by our Ego. Love is not a physical, but an emotional and spiritual connection and a conscious choice to commit to another person. It is your conscious decision to accept another person in his or her true nature. Open yourself and show your vulnerability. Because only through vulnerability can true intimacy and closeness be achieved.
True love is unconditional. Easy to say, hard to do. Unconditional means that you give freedom to another. The freedom to be who they really are. The freedom to do what they want. The freedom to choose what they want. Whether they love you or not, you still love them. Our Ego naturally rejects this idea. Because how can you love someone who does not respond to your feelings. If someone has come into your life who cannot answer your feelings or if your partner has come to the conclusion that they don't feel love for you, then that person has come to teach you unconditional love. Many tend to cling to the beginning of a relationship and build beautiful air castles. I know this lesson myself - who wouldn't know it, right? Sometimes, however, we are unable to let go of the relationship that has ended. Learning this lesson is one of the most difficult in this life. This does not mean that you have to stop loving. You should not deny yourself the feeling of love, otherwise you will block the movement of energies within you. When energies can't flow freely within you, it makes your body sick. And love is the energy flowing inside you. Love simply shows your depth and ability to experience and receive this feeling. Because it starts with yourself. Above all, love for yourself. But if the other does not reflect back your love, you have to let it go. This relationship needs to be let go of. Do not cling. The release comes over time. You send love to another in your mind and experience it within yourself until you are finally ready to turn this love back to yourself.
Love never hurts anyone. Not like in the famous song "Love hurts" sung by Nazareth, where love hurts, love scars, love wounds and marks. In fact, this pain and suffering is due to clinging. Be it the wounded Ego or the hurt self-esteem.
If there is a situation in your life where you have to let someone go, then that is your lesson. We have such agreements with other souls even before birth. So that they can come to help us, to develop us, to open our eyes. Because on a soul level, we actually all love each other. But as humans, we experience it differently. Such experience must be seen as an opportunity to let your soul and spirit develop. This is how you can learn unconditional love. How to be honest in your feelings and show them sincerely. You can learn to let go and not cling, because no one can be YOURS. We all have our own path, our own choices and lessons. Through this lesson, you will finally be able to GET TO KNOW YOURSELF. Who you are deep in your soul. This gives you the opportunity to learn the courage to show YOUR TRUE ESSENCE.
Only when you dare to be TRULY yourself - only then can a soul come into your life that shows you what it feels like to truly share and receive love.
Source: Kersti reflecting thoughts