Jupiter in Pisces - what gifts does it bring to each zodiac sign?
The long-awaited Jupiter's ingress into Pisces took place in the early morning of December 29 at 06:09. The summer period when Jupiter dipped its toes into the sign of Pisces from May 14 to July 28 could give you a little idea of what this change might give you.
Pisces is a sign ruled by Jupiter, so here Jupiter feels comfortable and free, just like at home. Finally, he escapes Saturn's limiting influence for a while and can deliver exactly as he sees fit, where he can again share his natural gifts. We are all different at home than when we are at work or while visiting someone. It is at home that we can feel relaxed, safe, be ourselves. So it is the same with the planets, they work best in their home signs, and that's when their positive energies come to the fore.
Jupiter will be moving through the sign of Pisces from December 29, 2021 to May 11, 2022, according to Estonian time, and will come to bless us again from October 28 to December 20, 2022.
The forthcoming transit of Jupiter in Pisces will not last as long as in other zodiac signs, because if you get too much of a good thing, you will not be able to appreciate it enough, right. You have to enjoy what is on offer for now. During this period, of course, you may feel that in one area of life everything is going smoothly and you may have tremendous luck (Jupiter's effects), but in another area there may be delays, stumbles, and obstacles (Saturn's effects because Jupiter no longer mitigates its effects).
What benefits does Jupiter in Pisces bring to you - you can think back to the summer period, maybe some clues already slipped into that period. In addition, you can also think back to the time 11-12 years ago, when Jupiter was also in Pisces: from January 18 - June 5, 2010 and September 9, 2010 - January 22, 2011. Similar issues or positive changes may re-emerge. Although at that time Uranus was also in Pisces, which could have brought great changes in the same area.
What are the themes of Jupiter in Pisces?
Jupiter is a planet of positivity and expansion, new possibilities, good fortune and abundance. In Pisces he can bring expansion to Pisces-ruled themes.
In Pisces Jupiter amplifies people's benevolence, compassion and sympathy. In doing so, it provides opportunities to put oneself in another person's shoes and helps understand them. As compassion increases, people also become kinder and want to help those who may not be doing so well or who come to help each other in those issues and situations where the help is needed. Pisces is a very helpful and caring sign, and with Jupiter's ingress to Pisces, it helps bring out these qualities. Favorable winds also blow at this time for all kinds of charity projects and thoughts and activities related to the improvement of the general well-being of society.
However, Pisces is also a very sensitive sign, which is why people may be more emotional than usual. This is a great time for creative people, sparks of inspiration ignite and the imagination can expand, and new ideas come more easily. All in all, it is an excellent time for dreaming , making plans, and going after your dreams.
Since Pisces also dominates spirituality and mysticism, one can expect from this period growing interest in various spiritual practices, energy therapies, and mystical subjects.
Who is most affected by this transit?
Jupiter's transit is, of course, most useful and magical to all water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). They get to enjoy the most abundant and best qualities of Jupiter.
However, the expanding qualities of Jupiter may be slightly too extreme for mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius)., because with these signs Jupiter forms a tense aspect. Jupiter is a bringer of good fortune and abundance, even in the tense aspects, but then it can go to extremes, causing overuse and even excessive optimism and excessive, unrealistic expectations. However, the same effect could hit everyone this year, especially in mid-April, when Jupiter makes a conjunction with Neptune, the master of illusions.
In more detail, we look at the effects of Jupiter for each sign below.
Forecast for each sign
I recommend looking at the forecast according to your rising sign (Ascendant), as it describes the changes in more detail and is generally more relevant. You can find your rising sign by entering your date of birth with the time of birth and place of birth in the birth chart calculator. You can use, for example, astro.com or astro-seek.com calculators. Your rising sign is marked on chart as Asc (ascendant). However, if you have no idea what time you were born and have no way to find it out, you can also view the forecast by your Sun sign. Most people know this, as it is usually easy to identify by your date of birth.

The upcoming period is a good time to look inwards and spend time alone. For example, you can go somewhere to relax or hike in a beautiful place, or start some spiritual practice that will help you get in better contact with yourself. During this period, important messages and notices can come through dreams or meditation. It is important to take time off and rest during this period. If you've tried to stick to something at all costs, now is a good time to let go of everything that isn't in your best interest.

Jupiter in Pisces will bring a very active social life to Taurus. Relationships with friends are intensifying. This is a good time to make new contacts, make new social connections, and make new friends. If you have been planning a project for a long time, it is now possible to find the right contacts or partners to carry it out. Perfect time to think about the future, make plans, and dream.

It is a very good time for Gemini in terms of career and public reputation. It's a good time to start new projects or get a new job, ask for a long-awaited salary increase or start your own business instead. However, do not sit down and wait for the opportunities, you have to make an effort and act for it yourself, only then will Jupiter provide favorable circumstances and allow the opportunities to come to you.

Upcoming months may bring different adventures and travel opportunities for Cancer, if, of course, circumstances allow. A good time to start new studies. If you have been planning to go to university or just improve yourself, then in any case your studies are supported by Jupiter. Also a great time to delve into spiritual, religious, or philosophical topics. There may be interesting opportunities for mystical, spiritual or esoteric courses. During this period, a new teacher or mentor may come into your life to help broaden your worldview or beliefs. It is also a good time to build relationships with people who live abroad or are of different backgrounds.

For Leos, this period is about money. It may happen that Jupiter, in its goodness, brings in an unexpected income from another source, either through a return on an investment, a financial support through a family member, a friend or a partner, or instead an insurance payout, a tax refund or an inheritance. If you are planning to take a loan, now is a good time and you should get the desired loan in any case. However, you should be careful when taking a loan, Jupiter with its expanding qualities can create a situation where there can be too much of a good thing. It is also possible that not your income, but your partner's income will increase. Also a great time to learn various taboo topics, such as magic, astrology, occultism or esoterics. Also suitable for studying psychology or solving one's own psychological inner dilemmas and for spiritual healing.

Virgo is getting good news in the field of partnerships. If you are single, now is a good time to meet someone special. However, if you are in a relationship, it can take the relationship to a new and even better level - either through engagement, moving together, getting married, or just increasing your sense of closeness. When working with customers, the number of customers may also increase.

Jupiter's transit brings good health to Libra. A great time to make your diet healthier, start with a health-enhancing diet or regular exercise. Although the amount of daily work may increase at times, it seems that the work flows easily and you do it with joy. During this period, work related to the service sector and helping people is especially encouraged. Relations with colleagues are running smoothly during this period and you are getting along well with them.

Scorpios can rejoice in the coming months. This is a good time to take time for yourself and do things that you really like. Practice hobbies and spend time with family. If you have children, this is a great time for various fun activities and events with children. You can expect a fresh burst of inspiration in your creative activities. Since Jupiter is also in your house of romance at that time, it is quite possible that you will meet someone who will make your heart flutter. Passion can be great, but the relationship may not last and you should be careful about creating illusions to yourself. Still - enjoy as long as you can! If you are already in a relationship, this period will definitely add excitement, spice, and passion to the relationship.

Sagittarius focuses on home, family, and real estate during this period. A good time to buy a new home or repair an existing home. Good family relationships during this period and Jupiter supports spending time with the family, traveling with the family, or visiting family members.

Capricorn can expect smoother and easier communication, be it throug speaking or writing. During this period, thoughts fly easily and good ideas flow through the doors and windows. If you are planning to buy or sell something, now is the time. Communication with siblings, aunts-uncles, and neighbors is also encouraged during these months. You can also hear good and interesting news from them. There may be many short trips, such as within your home country or even around your hometown.

Aquarius is having a great time financially. Money flows in more easily, but just as easily goes out. Remember that this flow will not last, so invest it in something useful, buy something you need, or save instead. At the same time, no one forbids you to pamper yourself a little, and if you have wanted to indulge in something fierce and exclusive for some time, why not coddle yourself a little! Just don't wait for the money to fall from the sky. In order for it to come in, you still have to grab the bull by the horns and find a way to get it coming towards you. Jupiter simply promotes income if you contribute to it. The time ahead will give you confidence and self-esteem, so use that time with joy.

For Pisces, the transit of Jupiter is, of course, a great time. You are filled with energy, full of will, and self-confidence. In any case, you will feel like a fish in the water during this period. This time is perfect for creative work. Imagination is widely open and inspiration is ignited. Do what your soul desires to do. Jupiter in Pisces makes you kinder and happier and encourages you to take risks - now is a good time to start new projects, whether personal or professional. However, if you want a change of image, Jupiter will make sure that it is effective in any case and will leave some people's mouths open with surprises.