How to balance and activate the sacral chakra?
The word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or circle. The chakra is a fine material center of life energy, also described as an energy vortex.
The body has many energy points, known as chakras, both large and small, and they are connected by energy channels through which life energy flows.
Today, energy therapy focuses on the seven traditional chakras along the spine, from the groin to the scalp. Each major chakra has its own specific function, and each chakra also affects other physical, mental, and spiritual functions. When the movement of energy is disrupted or even blocked in the chakras, ailments and diseases begin to occur.
Sacral chakra is also known as sexual chakra, spleen chakra and second chakra. In Sanskrit it is also called svadhisthana. The meaning of the word svadhistana in Sanskrit is divided into two words: svameaning "self" and adhisthanameaning “home” or “dwelling place." In short, this means the home of yourself.
Location: between the navel and the genitals in the sacral area, three fingers below the navel
Body parts/organs:
Each chakra is responsible for supplying energy to the organs and parts of the body in which it is located. The sacral chakra supplies energy to the whole pelvis, sacral region and all lower body organs. It affects particularly the kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra and genitals. The life energy of this chakra nourishes and protects women's ovaries and uterus, and men's ejaculatory ducts, testicles and prostate.

Color: orange
Element: water
Planet: Moon
Day of the week: Monday
Mantra: „VAM“
Motto: I feel
Sense: taste
Themes: creativity, imagination, self-confidence, sexuality, zest for life, commitment, enthusiasm, vitality, good sense of body, passion, erotica, feminine energy
The sacral chakra is a source of reproduction, in addition to sexuality and joy of life it also gives energy to creativity and deep feelings. In this chakra are the roots of everything you create and call into your life. Therefore, the second chakra is associated with the element of water, as water is attributed creative properties. Such symbolism is also transferred to astrology, for example.
The second chakra also has water's purifying and laxative properties. It is responsible for the discharge of body fluids, removing toxins and preventing stagnations. On a spiritual level, this is reflected in ability to let go and to express feelings .
A strong sacral chakra develops fantasy. It will help you open up to the world, express your feelings and infect others with your enthusiasm.
In addition, it also has a positive effect on love relationships, because amplifies passion and eroticism. With a balanced second chakra the attitude towards sexuality is natural and open-minded.
Chakra imbalance is in many cases associated with childhood. Unfortunately, when a child grows up in a family that offers little joy and love, it unfortunately affects the child's vision of itself and is passed on to adult life. This results in problems with the self-esteem, self-love, sexual insensitivity and inner rigidity. Classification or stigmatization of sexuality also causes the weakening of the sacral chakra. However, one-sided emphasis on the second chakra can lead to excessive sexuality.
Psychological characteristics of disharmony:
insecurity, emotional instability, problems with self-esteem, shame or guilt, sexual insecurity or excessive sexuality, blocked creativity, excessive demands on oneself, excessive decency, unreasonable or morbid jealousy
Physical characteristics of disharmony:
impaired kidney and bladder function, impaired ability to release toxins from the body, as waste products are also excreted through the skin, eczema or skin irritation, thrombosis and lymphadenopathy in the chakra area, infertility, low libido, painful menstruation, cyclic disorders, PMS, diseases of the uterus or ovaries, cysts in the uterus and ovaries, potency problems or even impotence in men, prostate problems
- Do you feel sexually dissatisfied and is it difficult for you to express and enjoy sensuality, sexuality and erotica?
- Are you stuck in a bad relationship or have you been suffering from a divorce for a long time?
- Is sex unpleasant to you? Do you have potency issues?
- Do you often have menstrual or prostate problems?
- Do you often complain about lower body ailments?
- Do you often use alcohol or other substances to relieve tension?
- Do you often have tension or pain in your lower back?
- Do you lack joy of life and vitality?
- Are you overly decent?
- Do you set yourself very high, sometimes even unrealistic demands?
- Do you quickly become jealous for no reason?
- Do you have bladder or kidney problems?
If you answered "yes" to more than six questions , then your second chakra is weak and definitely needs more support. By raising energy levels in the area, it can help coping with the ailments.
If you answered "yes" to four to six questions , the imbalance is not yet greatly developed, but this chakra should nevertheless be addressed and cared for, for example through aromatherapy (see recommendations below).
If you answered "yes" to less than four questions , there is only slight disharmony. However, so that the situation doesn't culminate further, it is advisable to deal with this chakra proactively and take care of it. In this way, it is also possible to prevent possible later complaints and diseases.
Chakras can be activated and balanced through energetic therapies, like Reiki or other energetic massages, as well as physiotherapy, yoga, meditations and much more. But it is also very important to contribute to changing your own lifestyle and thought patternsto maximize the effect and keep the result permanent.
There is a lot that you can do yourself to support and strengthen the chakras. The movement of energy can already be harmonized through conscious thinking and experience of nature. It is also possible to do various healing exercises, which we will look at below.
At this point, however, it is also appropriate to recall the good old grain of wisdom that everything you think, you become, and you will draw it to your life. Thus, in addition to various therapies and other supportive practicies, it is important to monitor and work with your thoughts and attitudes in order to keep yourself more balanced through directing your thoughts.
Tips for activating the sacral chakra
It is possible to constantly support your sacral chakra and help it stay in balance. You can use the following tips and tricks:
- Sit on the shore of a lake or any body of water and perceive it consciously. The water should be clear with no muddy water.
- Go regularly swimming.
- Drink water harmonized with semi-precious stones. See below for stone recommendations. Put the cleaned and washed stones in a container and fill the container with water. Allow the stones to charge for a while before drinking.
- Find for yourself a creative hobby.
- It is recommended to take relaxing baths for the whole body, adding to the bath some essential oils (look for recommendations below). You can use different aromatherapeutic methods, for example oil burners, diffusers, or body oils.
- Use orange coloraround you. For example, you can bring home some orange flowers (calendula, chrysanthemum, gerbera, etc.) or add orange details to the interior.
- Eat orange-colored vegetables, fruits, or berries. Prepare orange-colored food. Examples of suitable fruits and berries are melon, mango, granadilla, peach, apricot, orange, mandarin, rowan, sea buckthorn, coconut. In addition, you can consume corn, carrots, turnips, zucchini, honey and almonds and nuts. Among the spices, the second chakra is supported by cinnamon, vanilla, sweet pepper, sesame seeds, cumin, and locust bean.
- Use semi-precious stones or wear jewelry made from them. See suggestions below.
- Repeat affirmations or chant mantras. See recommendations below.
- Meditate. You can use the suggested color meditation described below or you can listen to different chakra-supporting meditations from YouTube.
- If you can use Reiki, you can also charge your sacral chakra with Reiki. Or if you have not practiced Reiki before, instead you can try the healing exercises below.
Essential oils
To support and activate your sacral chakra you can try aromatherapy.
To do this, add 3-4 drops of a suitable essential oil to a foot bath or make pleasant warm and relaxing bath for the whole body. In addition, you can make yourself a roll-on or body oil.
For activating the sacral chakra, you can use the following essential oils:
vanilla, sandalwood, myrrh, black pepper, neroli, petitgrain, jasmine, rose, ylang ylang, patchouli, cardamom orange, clary sage, copaiba, coriander, clove, fennel , geranium
Semi-precious stones
To support and activate your sacral chakra you can also use suitable crystals.
For that you can simply hold the stone in your hand until you feel that you have received its energy. Then place this hand on the chakra so that the energy of the stone can flow directly into the chakra. If you wish, you can also place the stone directly on the chakra and keep it there until you feel that the chakra is filled with the energy of the stone.
If you wear jewelry with semi-precious stonesthat support the chakra, then it's constantly sending you supportive and activating energy.
Of course, don't forget to cleanse the stones and jewelry from time to time and recharge them with fresh energy.
The sacral chakra is supported by the following semi-precious stones:
citrine, tiger's eye, , carnelian, fire opal, moonstone, sunstone, orange selenite, orange aventurine, orange sapphire, orange agate, orange calcite, chrysprase
Affirmations or positive phrases
To support and strengthen the chakra, you can repeat the following positive phrases or affirmations both in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed:
- "My emotions are balanced."
- "I allow myself to feel and release the need to silence my feelings."
- "I feel deep peace within myself."
- "My relationships are secure and bring me joy and satisfaction."
- "I enjoy all aspects of life."
- "I dare to be sensual and I dare to enjoy sex."
- "I let my inner child to be creative and playful."
- "New experiences give me the freedom to experience change."
- "From today, I will always find a new way, I will be accompanied by joy and peace."
You can say affirmations one by one, trying to feel the meaning of each sentence deep within yourself. Cognition makes it easier to embrace these conformations.
Chanting mantras is an ancient and proven method of energetically strengthening the chakras. It helps release tensions and remove blockages in the chakra and activates it.
The traditional mantra of the second chakra is "VAM".
To chant a mantra, find a peaceful place where you will not be disturbed. You can sit or stand, the main thing is that you are comfortable and that your chest is open.
Close your eyes and focus all your attention on the sacral chakra. Once this has become the center of your awareness, you can start chanting the mantra.
When repeating the mantra, try to feel yourself inside and sense the mantra. Notice the reverberation that echoes through your body.
Breathe calmly and evenly. Try to find your rhythm, usually it goes according to the breathing.
In the beginning, practice the mantra for up to 15 minutes. If possible, repeat this often.
Color meditation
Sit on a chair or pillow, your legs in a full or half lotos position, and stretch your spine. If you wish, you can also meditate lying down.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Turn your palms up, you can support them on your thighs while sitting. Allow the whole body to relax.
Then turn your mind inwards and focus on the location of the sacral chakra in the sacral region (about three fingers wide below the navel). Imagine a warm swirl of orange light flowing there.
Feel how this vortex increases when you inhale and contracts when you exhale. Watch the orange light pulsate in the rhythm of your breathing. Continue breathing like this until you feel the chakra evenly filled with intense orange light.
If you feel the pulsation of energy in your whole pelvis you feel it flowing along the spine to the abdomen, chest and finally to the head, allow the energy to calm down. Breathe deeply and calmly a few more times. Then open your eyes and return to your everyday life.
Healing exercise
Lie down and close your eyes.
Rub your palms against each other until they are warm and charged with energy. If you know how to use Reiki, you can also connect yourself with the healing power of Reiki. Then place your left hand under your navel on your abdomen and your right hand on it.
At the same time, try to relax and release your body from tension. Focus on breathing - take a deep breath in and out seven times. Feel the orange warm energy flowing from your hands into your sacral chakra with each breath.
Be in the moment and feel and enjoy the warmth that flows through the second chakra. When you are ready, open your eyes and return to your daily routine.