Words have the power to change lives
Words have power we cannot even imagine. Not only do our thoughts create the life we live in, but the words spoken affect everything around us. Words have a much stronger energy than our thoughts. Because the words spoken make our thoughts a reality. They affirm our inner world.
Words can destroy someone's soul, turn up anger and hatred. Words can also heal the soul, reconcile peace, provide joy.
Words have their energy. Just like everything in the world around us.
This is not just a spiritual point of view. Science confirms this as well. Although some of us may find it difficult to believe something that cannot be seen with our own eyes and touched with our own hands. Modern quantum physics has proven that solid matter doesn't really exist in the universe. Because everything around us is made of atoms, and atoms are not solid matter, but are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons form a nucleus, while electrons whirl around the nucleus forming a coating. They are just moving so fast that we cannot perceive it. And movement is energy. Consequently, atoms are energy. And consequently, all things around us are made of energy. The same energy that you are made of also makes up everything around us. Trees growing in the forest. Rocks lying on the ground. Even the chair you're sitting on. Or the phone you're holding.
If we are energy, so are our thoughts and words. Energy can be high or good and low or negative. High energy words are positive. Such words can even improve the immune system and cure diseases. Low-energy words do the opposite. Low-vibrational words sound bad, they offend, and take you down. And can even make you sick. Low-vibrational words are also deniable words. When you say you can't, won't, don't want, don't bother. By using deniable words, you block the positive and thus attract the negative instead. Because words have MORE power than thoughts. That's why you have to watch carefully what you say.
It is not said for nothing that plants and trees also understand the vibration of our words. And animals. The plants that are talked to kindly and who are praised, or to whom positive music is played, grow faster and more beautiful or yield more crops. The same goes for animals.
However, when we complain about things, curse others, or incite hatred for something or someone, it is usually due to our inner fear. Fear of not being good enough. Fear that we can't manage ouselves or life. We try to hide ourselves behind criticism. However, if we become aware of our fears, we will be able to consciously choose our thoughts and words. The negative words spoken can only make us feel worse.
Next time a derogatorive or critical word wants to fly over your lips, ask yourself, "Why do I want to say this now?" or "How can this thing that I want to say right now bring something good to me?". If we are unable to find positive answers to these questions, would it be wiser not to say them at all?
We all have days when clouds overshadow our inner sun. Then try not to put it out on others. Instead, try to turn your attention to positive things. Notice the good in life. Beauty. Kindness. Friendliness. Let's say beautiful words to each other. I have not yet met people who would not be happy with a compliment. We should also say nice words to ourselves. This way we can call the inner sun out from behind the clouds.
Source: Kersti reflecting thoughts