Full Moon period is the right time to cleanse old energies
Full Moon period is the culmination and a glance back at what happened six months ago, when the New Moon took place in this same character. It is time to break patterns and find new ways to get us closer to our own personal satisfaction and happiness. So we should look back for a moment six months ago and remember what seeds we laid down at that moment, because exactly these issues gain our attention once again. Whether bringing the expected fruits or finding solutions to problems that have arisen.
When should you perform a Full Moon ritual?
The effect of the Full Moon lasts three days before and three days after. During this period, it is appropriate to do any Full Moon ritual to cleanse yourself and your home of old, stagnant, and negative energies. The effect of the ritual is strongest of course on the day of the Full Moon, but since we can feel the effect of the Full Moon already three days before and after, the energy is powerful enough to support the effect of the ritual.
Which plants are suitable for the ritual?
You can perform a cleansing ritual with different plants, each with a slightly different effect, but they all cleanse of bad energy.
You can use the resort of the old people of Estonia and go pick up the branches of juniper close to your home and make a smudge stick of it yourself. You can also use plants that are common among Native Americans - white sage, blue or black sage smudge stick or a Palo Santo holy wood stick. The mildest scent of the sages belongs to the blue sage, which is therefore most suitable for daily usage - other sages have a more intense aroma and therefore also a stronger cleansing effect. By the way, for cleansing purposes it is also good to use the garden sage, which can be grown locally in Estonia and which has a similar effect to the white sage.
However, if none of the plants mentioned are available to you then natural products made from natural ingredients are also suitable, like herbal incense (it doesn't matter whether they're sticks or cones). In addition to cleaning, each incense has its own supportive effect, but this should be described in more detail in the description of the selected incense.
How to start a cleansing ritual?
Definitely keep in mind that any ritual may be performed only with good intentions. Be sure to think positive thoughts before and during cleansing and pray or just ask the smoke of the plant to remove all negative and bad energy that is not in your best interest and for your highest good.
When starting with the cleansing ritual, ignite the smudge stick or the Palo Santo wood stick with a candle, lighter, or match.
For example, it would be convenient to light it with a white candle, because during each cleansing ritual, a white candle should burn at the same time and after the ritual, so it will charge you and your home with new clean fresh energy after cleansing and removing negative energies.
It would also be good that while cleansing the room you keep open at least one window, so that negative energy could leave the room. You can also open it after completing the ritual if you do not want to distract yourself during the ritual.
Hold the smudge stick or the Palo Santo wood stick at a 45-degree angle to ignite and slowly swirl it in the flame to allow it to catch fire properly. If the stick does not want to light well, wave the "wind" by hand so that it starts to smoke properly. According to the wisdom of the indigenous people, neither the sages used for the cleansing ritual nor the wooden stick of Palo Santo should be blown, because for them it meant that you blew your Soul away.
Let the torch burn for about 30 seconds and then shake gently until the flame goes out or, if you prefer, sprinkle some sand or other non-flammable material on the smudging dish and extinguish the flame by pushing the tip of the torch into it for a moment. The stick can then be placed on a smudging dish or other heat-resistant tray (a bowl is also suitable).

Cleansing yourself
Every ritual must begin with yourself. This means that first you must cleanse your own aura and energy field and only then can you start cleansing the home, crystals, or other items that need cleansing.
Start cleansing yourself from your hands, moving them inside the smoke as if you were washing your hands. Then lift the palms with the smoke (as if you were taking water with your palms) and cleanse your ears, so you could hear good things, then your mouth, so you could say good things, your eyes, so you could see good things, and your heart, so you could feel good feelings. If you wish, you can also use the smoke to cleanse your hands and arms, so you could do good things, and also your knees and feet, so you could walk through life in a good way. You can repeat the same ritual when you have finished cleansing your home, crystals, or other things.
If you do not want to do such a detailed cleansing, then it is enough if you move a smoking stick around your body, just letting the smoke do the cleansing. Make sure that you do not accidentally touch the hot smoking tip.
Cleansing your home
When cleansing your home be sure to start at the front door of the home. If you live in a house and have several exterior doors, you should start with the main door.
According to the wisdom of indigenous people you can move in both directions - both clockwise and counterclockwise. If you start moving clockwise, then by cleansing you bring new good energy instead. But if you move counterclockwise, you are asking negative and bad energy to leave your home. You can actually use both ways for cleansing. However, it is worth keeping in mind that moving counterclockwise may clear the whole home of any kind of energy. This means that along with illness and negative energy, good spirits and good energy also leave. At the same time, it helps if you apologize to the good spirits and simply ask them to come back after cleansing.
Remember that when you cleanse, you make room for more energy and nature does not tolerate an empty space. Therefore it should be filled immediately with new good energy. If you already have a white candle burning then this also helps. But additionaly you can use positive sounds: either sing or say something positive or play harmonious music in the background. If music or singing is not your thing, then just saying positive words will also help. At this point, be sure to notice what intentions you are entering into this space. Say those words by listening to your heart.
Cleansing things and crystals
When cleansing objects and crystals, you should also start with good intentions and formulate what you want to remove. The item to be cleaned should then be kept inside the smoke until you feel it has been cleaned.
As part of the energy has been removed, then they should be recharged with new energy. You can say positive words (intentions) or charge them under the moonlight or under the rays of sunlight. The Sun charges objects with stronger and more active energy, as Sun represents masculine energy, and the Moon charges the items with softer and gentler energy, as the Moon represents feminine energy. Don't forget that we all have both masculine and feminine energy, and choose the charging method according to which energy you need to support more at the moment.
After the cleansing ritual
After the cleansing ritual it is always recommended to cleanse yourself againso that negative energies do not get stuck in your energy body. You can re-use thorough cleansing according to the ancient traditions or just wash yourself lightly with the smoke of the stick.
When you finish the cleansing ritual, you can leave the stick on the dish to smoke. After a while, it goes out on its own.
Do not leave a burning stick unattended! Keep out of reach of children and pets!