Making wishes - so that they will definitely come true!
Today is the NEW MOON!
Exactly the right time for making wishes and manifestation. But so that the thoughts can be sent powerfully on the way, I will share with you a simple and quick ritual of manifestation. I use this ritual myself the most because it doesn't require a lot of resources nor time, and I can personally confirm that it really works!
Before describing the ritual, however, it is important to talk about how the manifestation works.
The law of attraction draws into your life according to how you think and what you think. If you see everything as if your glass is always half empty, then you will attract exactly the same energy. It is low frequency energy, empty and powerless, and creates even more things in your life to complain about. However, if you keep your attention on the positive and keep yourself at a higher vibrational level, you will attract good things. It is important to try to see the good in situations that are not so positive, taking them as lessons.
Hand in hand with the law of attraction goes also manifestation, meaning that you intentionally attract what you want or wish for. However, you should be careful with the manifestation.
You should always manifest only at a higher vibration, that is, in a positive mood and being in balance. Never perform a ritual while irritated or angry! Take the time to tune yourself in properly before starting the ritual. A good way to raise your vibration level is gratitude! Appreciate what you have today, focus on the good things and be grateful for it!
Manifestation works only if you can visualize and formulate your thoughts as if you already have someone or something you dream of. Do not want - so you will create only more "want". It is important to make yourself feel as if your wish has already come true. It is also important not to imagine a particular thing or person in the manifestation, but that feeling.
Perhaps you want to lose weight, but don't get stuck in the number, just focus on that feeling if you have already lost weight. Or maybe you want to find a new job. Don't stick to a specific job title, just imagine how you would feel if you were already doing the job of your dreams. It's the same with a relationship - if you want to find someone by your side, don't get stuck characterizing what that person should be like, what they should look like or how they should behave, but concentrate on what it feels like to be by their side.
If you get stuck in specific parameters, the Universe will bring you what desire, but there is always a catch that you may not like. For example, you want a person who is one way or another, but if you don't pay attention to your feelings, the Universe will bring that person to you, but that he or she may not be emotionally available or is still married, or you just won't have the feelings for them.
Send you wish on the way, keeping in mind that the outcome would be for your higher good. And then release that thought. Completely. And keep living your life. Be grateful for what you already have, because gratitude helps you stay in a higher vibration. When the time is right, know that everything that is for your higher good will come to you.
After manifestation, it is important to maintain your faith in your wish or outcome. Don't hesitate that maybe it is not for you or maybe it's not supposed to go this way. Everything you are afraid of, you will get! With doubting, you will cancel your manifestation.
Did I already mention that you must release your wish? It means that your attention shouldn't be kept all the time on the outcome of what you expect. Your wishes will not be fulfilled if you are engaged in manic manifestation. If your wish becomes an obsession, you will block the fulfillment of your wish. Because even if you are still energetically stuck in the idea, this wish can't go out to the Universe. You are doing manic manifestation also when you want something or someone certain. It is your Ego that wants to control everything. The ego is the one who wants certain and specific things or people. But what we want is not always for our own good. Don't cling to that wish, just trust that it will be fulfilled in the way that is best for you. Sometimes our desires can be fulfilled in a way we can't imagine. That is why it is important to let go and trust that your wish will be fulfilled in the way that is best for you.
Manifestation doesn't mean that the Universe can bring you a free car or a new home. But it can bring you opportunities so you could find exactly what makes you feel in the way as you sent out with the manifestation. The Universe creates the right situation, but it is up to you whether you decide to accept what you are being offered. Do you still want to? Do you still dare?
However, it is worth reminding that if you are already starting to manifest, you have to be patient. It may take some time for the wishes to be fulfilled. After all, we are not alone in this world, and the paths of the Universe can be kind of curvy.
And don't forget - as the writer Roald Dahl said: "Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
Now back to the ritual.

To perform the ritual, you need:
- one cleansing plant or wood: Palo Santo, blue or white sage, fresh juniper twig
- smudging dish or a small bowl filled with water
- white candle
- matches or lighter
- white piece of paper (rather a smaller one as it must be burned, but large enough to be written on)
- a pen or a pencil
It takes about 10 to 15 minutes, but you are free to perform it longer to tune yourself in properly.
Performing the ritual:
1. Cleansing with plants
Choose the plant or wood which you usually use to energetically cleanse yourself or what you have at hand. Ignite the plant and cleanse yourself and the place where the ritual is performed to remove all negative and obstructive energy. You can leave the plant on the smudging dish to smoke until it goes out on its own.
2. Light a white candle
Fire energy, in turn, helps to purify energies and, in addition, helps to amplify manifestation. Why a white candle? Because white is suitable to replace a candle of any color. If you wish, you can also choose a candle with a specific aromato bring that energy into your ritual.
For each ritual, it is recommended to use a new candle, as according to some magical traditions, a burning candle attracts the vibration of the surrounding objects. When the vibration of the candle is no longer pure, some people believe that the result of the ritual may be negative or ineffective.
If possible, then leave the candle on after the ritual - preferably for at least an hour.
3. Meditate or just tune yourself in to your wish
How - I wrote that before. Focus on the feeling you want to attract into your life.
4. Write your wish on paper
Write the wish on paper as if it has already happened. If you want a loving relationship in your life, write, for example, “I am in a respectful and loving relationship. I feel that I am kept and loved…. ”. Complete it as you like. If you want a beautiful home, write for example: "I live in a beautiful and cozy home where I feel...".
5. Repeat the wish you wrote 3x
Repeat the written wish out loud (or in your mind) three times. Words have even stronger power than thoughts. Keep the feeling of meditation at all times. If necessary, you can retune yourself before continuing.
6. Burn your wish
When you are done, fold the paper and light it from a candle flame. If you have a smudging dish, you can burn the paper there completely. If there is no dish, use a bowl filled with water (before that, burn as much paper as you can and put the rest in the bowl to extinguish). NB! Be careful with the flame and perform the ritual away from flammable things. In addition, make sure that you don't alarm the smoke detector.
Now your thoughts and wishes have been sent out to the Universe!
Have a powerful and fierce manifestation!