Division between the people and the elite? - Full Moon in Aquarius, 24.07.2021
This time the Full Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius on July 24 at 05.36 a.m.
The Full Moon is the culmination and a review at what happened six months ago, when the New Moon took place in this same sign. It is time to let go of the topics and people who are holding you back from your personal development and who are preventing you from realizing your higher potential. It's time to forgive the mistakes you have made, for yourself and others, and move on to a brighter future.
The themes of this Full Moon bring back to focus the situations and thoughts that arose during the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11 . It is also a review of the themes connected to the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn , which took place on December 21.
As a reminder, you can view pictures taken at the time or messages and emails sent to be ready to bring up similar topics again. Either bringing the expected fruit (or at least the first signs of the fruits starting to ripen) or solutions to problems that have arisen. Sometimes life can bring up the same dilemma you faced then, but now you still have to come up with the answer yourself. The effect of the Full Moon lasts three days before and three days after.
During the Full Moon, the Sun is always in opposition to the Moon, evoking opposition between the ego and emotion. It can also lead to conflicts, especially in close relationships - with family members, children or a partner. This can cause internal anxiety and heightened sensitivity to the words or actions of those around you.
This time the Moon is in Aquarius, representing the people, collective unity, equality, justice, and the Sun in the opposition is in Leo, which represents the elite, individualism, privileges, personal notability. This can bring out the old underlying tensions where all should be equal, but some seem to be more equal. The rules should apply to everyone, yet some feel that they don't apply to them or that they consider themselves so special that they consider themselves worthy of exceptions.
It is during this period that the division and polarization of the people comes to the fore. Everything is allowed for one group and not for others. Some are good and others are bad. At a time of such confrontation, it would be time to create new solutions that will bring the people together, not push them further apart. The Sun in Leo could make a great contribution to this, as Leo is a very creative sign and new unifying ideas could emerge right now. Combining the creativity of Leo and the technological and electronic aspects of Aquarius, it is likely that during this Full Moon period new technical solutions can be expected that could benefit all of humanity.
On a more personal level, you might feel like you are between two haystacks. Should personal well-being take precedence over general well-being or vice versa? Stepping out just for your own interest or for everyone's?
Pluto and Mercury are also involved in the energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius, which can help with the changes in communication and technology and media. However, this aspect may also reveal some messages and news that have been hidden so far. Words are powerful at that time - so watch out with your tongue and also pay attention to the messages in the media or from public figures.
On a personal level, you may feel impatient, more easily irritated and rebellious during this period. The urge to make changes is huge - at any cost. As the energy of oppositions is very strong around this Full Moon, it is worth avoiding going to extremes. Before making decisions, it is worth considering different options and perspectives. Instead of arguing with opponents, you should try to find a common way and make compromises and move towards halfway. Stubbornness doesn't give the expected results.
During the Full Moon, the imagination gets a boost. If you have been waiting for inspiration for an art project, then hopefully you can find it now. Dreams can be meaningful, and the time is right to get in touch with your Higher Self. Intuition speaks louder, so pay attention to it.
In relationships you can expect an enjoyable energy boost. Jupiter increases both the romantic mood and sexual energy, but try not to overdo it, because even a good thing can sometimes be too much.